
Christopher Peter Meloni, an American actor best known as the lead actor in the popular television series 'Law and Order Special Victims Unit. The actor discovered his fascination for acting while in school and attended acting classes at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He's been featured in movies and on television, but it was his character on the small screen which earned him fame and a large fan base. He's able to seamlessly play characters who are from both sides of law and grab the audience's attention. In his first TV series He played the part of a murderer. He then went on to take on the role of a NYPD Detective. His smaller-screen appearances are rewarded with multiple Emmy Awards nominations and PRISM Awards. He is known for his distinctive eyelashes that are piercing and blue, which can be said to help him appear attractive. They've assisted in play rough characters in a charming manner. People's magazine listed him as one of the Sexiest Men Alive for 2006.

Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni


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